This is XXXX Triumph Werke Nuremberg (TWN) BDG XXX SL. This bike was brought over from Germany where it was in private collection. These bikes are extremely rare as the factory closed in XXXX. Through the research have done, I'm estimating less than XXXX were made. The bike was judged by the AMCA in Rhinebeck to be XX point bike. Parts are readily available from vendor in Germany. The bike fires up on first or second kick. It is two stroke split single. Numbers matching! The founder of the TWN was the same founder of the more common Triumph company in England. The bike gets lot of attention wherever it goes and have won trophy in every show have put it in. I am selling because want something can drive around with my son. Trades? The bike is also being listed locally so reserve the right to pull the bike at any time. Buyer is responsible for shipping.
Triumph, Harley Davidson, Indian, vintage, antique, hot rod, rat rod, motorcycle
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