XXXX Norton commando XXXcc This bike is near flawless. It was gone threw by professional motorcycle shop. This is owner bike. It is near perfect condition. The bike has spent almost all of its time sitting just being looked at. The shop went right threw the motor New crank rods bearings oil pump push rods valves and seats springs guides rockers piston and rings lifters case was hot tanked new clutch and primary drive chain. The list goes on. Only has XX miles sense the rebuild. The bike rides great. The only problems are the front master has started to leak little brake fluid and Its been about years sense the bike was gone threw and due to it sitting most of the time it needs the carbs cleaned from bad gas. It does start right up but wont idle by itself. am no mechanic so dont wanna touch it. It does have your normal kicker marks on the exhaust from starting it. have the seat thats on it and the original. Both are in great shape. do have both of those round hand nuts that hold on the seat changed the seat and forgot to put it on in the pictures. Both front and rear tires only have XX miles on them. There are no dents. have about $XXXXX in this bike. The bike is clean. Very pretty bike. The bike is stored in heated area on display. If you have any questions or anything you want picture of let me know. Make an offer. will entertain any offer but be reasonable
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