This bike is one of kind, head turner. Its barely been ridden, the motor is just broke in but when it has been ridden its been to bike shows where everyone goes nuts for it. This bike gets lot of attention, Ive built several Harley Davidson Shovel Heads and this one is by far the coolest. The paint job alone was over X,XXX. The motor runs perfectly and even when its cold it only takes one kick to start it. The motor is stock except that eliminated the points and put an electronic ignition in it. Also the bike has stainless steel rims, spokes and folks so it won't rust and it stays cleaner longer than chrome, also stronger. Handle bars are totally custom with hidden throttle cable. Also rear fender is custom made, ribber down the middle and swept up at the end to accentuate the paint. All original Harley Davidson parts, frame and motor all match. Pictures do not do it justice. have photos of the whole build if wanted. Im only selling because Ive had elbow surgery and its getting to hard to hold on, otherwise would never sell.Shoot me call if you want,John XXX-XXX-XXXX
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