This bike is original paint with the exception of the front fairing. It is matching numbers. do have new in the box NOS eagle sticker for the faring. The bike is matching numbers. This was two owner bike. The second owner purchased it from his brother in XXXX. Shifts smoothly. It has few scratches etc. The saddle bag lids and faring have been drilled for accessory trim. Please call me to ask questions before the end of the auction or come inspect the bike. The bike is located in Saratoga Springs, NY and has clear title issued in XXXX. XXFIVE NINEXX XXXFOUR. I ALSO BUY OLD MOTORCYCLES AND PARTS. NO PILE TO BIG OR SMALL. FINDERS FEE PAID FOR DEALS THAT MATERIALIZE. Panheads knuckleheads, flatheads JD VL Indians Popes Pace bikes flat trackers and hillclimbers etc.
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