This bike won first place for best display at easyrider events in Sacramento this year. It is very unique and runs great. It has the solo seat in the pics on it right now. If you want to see it on the easyridersevents then go to the rodeo galleries and its the top right picture gallery.
Lots of custom work and time was put into this bike and tooling and brass and leather is all over this bike. The engine had rebuild before the show and is just coming up on the XXX mile mark. It has electric and kick start, the electric works fine on it but the kick cover is for show and would need to be replaced if you were to use it.
I'm still finding things on it in places didn't realize work was done. Skulls beads, skull rocker tubes, engravings.
I can't use it where live, I'm on long dirt driveway and with this rigid frame thats not getting it. Plus town is about XX miles from me after that which is fine other than our roads not being taken care of out here, it gets rough on some parts of the road to town.
Buyer responsible for shipping.
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