am the second owner of this bike. bought it in XXXX. This Bike was redone in XXXX. Runs great! Sounds awesome! LOUD! The engine is EVO motor XXin that has been bored out XX over with an aftermarket cam & Mikuni carb. The tac & speedo do not work. It has an oil less chain, degree rake in the triple tree. The Battery was put in new last year. Tires have less than XXX miles on them. there is couple paint chips in the struts as you can see from the pictures. ding in the gas tank (no steering stops) & in the rear fender also. It would not take much to turn this back into cherry condition. Comes with the bag & new chrome strut covers & battery tender. do have single place open trailer not pictured that would be available to the winning bidder. The bike has been stored in climate controlled environment every winter. The frame has about XX,XXX miles on it & engine about XX,XXX since it was rebuilt in XXXX. It has forward controls & shifts little hard. This is for Local pickup only. Sold as is. Please feel free to message me & ask any questions.
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