This was kinda of sudden, can no longer ride due to medical reasons. This bike was my pride and passion, it started out Ultra Classic but over time it became more and more custom and it shows! Everything had been upgraded, finally had the sound system, and engine set up just how like it. IT was suppose to go into paint this winter but it has to go. LOW RESERVE!Mechanically sound but needs some cosmetic touches, It?��s at XXXXX miles, high miles know but had the top end refreshed/inspected at XXkand bottom end was upgraded to the SE Cam plate with new cams & SE adjustablepush rods. Burley Performance in Cal did the work.For the sound system: Alloy Art Strong Arm Fairing support Brackets to support the Flip up DVD, Navigation, Sirius XM Jensen VXXXXX Head head unit. Two MMXXX Polk X.X-Fairing, JBL XxX's in thelowers, and a RZX-XXXXD Amp, to power it all.
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