This bike has been frozen in time for XX years. bought the bike new for $XX,XXX and drove it sparingly for years. Over the next XX years could not ride it because of back surgeries. During that time the bike has been garaged, covered, sitting on black rubber mats to avoid moisture, waxed and cleaned every year, battery charging at all times. Like mentioned it has been frozen in time. Over the years drove customized the bike with $XX,XXX of chrome, Mustang seat, Screaming Eagle pipes, stainless steel cables, custom foot pegs (X), sissy bar, storage compartment, console clock, alarm system, etc. There are too many things to list individually. All custom parts are H-D manufactured or better. The buyer is getting MINT $XX,XXX bike with X,XXX miles on it for reasonable price. The year and price do not perfectly jive but the explanation above should take care of any doubts the buyer has. can get at least witnesses ( my friends) who can verify all information contained within. Also, have RECEIPTS for all work and parts placed on the bike. In addition, all parts removed for customization come with the bike. Any questions XXX XXX XXXX.
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