This trike is in excellent condition. Although am not the original owner, purchased this trike when it had only around X,XXX miles on it. It now has XX,XXX miles on it and has been dealer maintained and serviced ever since. believe it has about every option that Harley has to offer, including air ride seats, cd player,mp-X player, gps, cruise control, intercom system. The trike conversion is lehman and comes with one of kind custom airbrush paint job. You will not find another one like it anywhere. there are two or three small rock chips in the paint down around the fenders and small rock on the front of the trike. There is also chip on the lid below the luggage rack. My wife and are in our mid sixties and have ridden but couple of times in the last two years. would like to sell it to someone who will care for and enjoy as much as we have.
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