This bike is for sale because don't ride it enough. It is one of the bestlooking bikes have ever seen. It is stored in climate controlled warehouseand is in near perfect condition. No oxidized shiny stuff. have upgraded thecam and the carburetor. It is very fast, and very loud. Has XXX ci S&Smotor, and speed Baker transmission. Always starts on the first crank. Newtires front and rear, all manufacturers recommended maintenance has beencompleted. Has about XXX blue led lights (look purple in pic, but they aren't)that draw ton of attention in the evening. Comes with cover, factoryservice manual, and passenger seat. There is tiny chip on the black part ofthe tank where hit it with the brake cable. It is about X/X the size of pencileraser. paint guy said he can fix it for $XXX. The odometer reads XXX milesbut it was changed out under warranty in XX by the local Harley Dealer and theydidn't have the ability to input current mileage, which was about XXk. am thesecond owner, bought it in XX. It has never been in any type of accident, and it's been babied like first born child. would be willing to meet buyers up to XXX miles away with the bike, otherwise shipping arrangements are up to the buyer. Located in Green River, WY (XXX) XXX eightXXX call or text
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