?�?�?�?�You are looking at nearly mint condition XXXX Honda Rebel XXX. This is the perfect bike for commuting around Los Angeles. It was originally bought for my wife and she has only ridden it about times in XXXX. I've kept up the maintenance and kept it clean. Start it up every so often to make sure all is working well. Please feel free to give me an offer if you're interested will accept Best Offers.?�Thanks and please ask any questions!?�The Rebel is powered by an air-cooled?�XXXcc V-twin engine that has proven itself for decades. The engineers at Honda?�have perfected this little powerplant and would venture to say it's practically bullet proof at this point. The engine looks little small in the frame of the bike, especially when compared to larger cruiser. That small engine really helps to keep the weight of this motorcycle extremely low. Filled up with oil and gasoline this bike only weighs around XXX lbs.?�?�The weight is just one of the reasons that makes the Rebel powerhouse in the XXX class. It's also quick off the line while still having the power to cruise at XX-XX mph. If you are going to be traveling up some steep hills in your journey though, you may notice that you have to downshift to keep the bike happy and cruising along at respectable speed.?�?�?�
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