bought this bike to learn on. It was fantastic learner bike. Physically very comfortable. With moving house and having baby etc, have not ridden this bike for over year now. It is not registered. It had previously fallen over in the driveway while idling as well, but the mirrors etc have all been replaced. You can see the scrape marks on the fairings. It has been in garage, and then outside under tarp. It was working, and have always been meaning to get it up and running again, but time constraints mean won't be able to get to it. Selling, deregistered, either as parts, or as fixer-upper for someone who would like to get it going again. KM are approximate, as can't actually remember! Buyer must organise own transport from Helensvale QLD. Any questions, I'll do my best to answer!On XX-Mar-XX at XX:XX:XX AEDST, seller added the following information:Hi all, just note that the trickle charger is not included, the picture was uploaded by mistake. The bid is currently at $XXX, if any of the current bidders have an issue with this, please let me know and can remove your bids. Otherwise we can come to mutual agreement on some sort of extra value for the charger.
Sorry for the confusion! should be able to confirm the km on the odometer in the next couple of days as will be putting the battery on the trickle charger tonight (the bike is being stored at my parents house).On XX-Mar-XX at XX:XX:XX AEDST, seller added the following information:I can confirm the Odometer on the bike says: XXXXXkm
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