Selling my Harley Davidson Softail Deluxe. The bike runs great and has been my favorite Harley. While love this bike my son is now almost years old and honestly just can't find the time to ride. He's only young once so I'm going to take advantage of this time while it lasts.
As stated the bike runs great. It's stored in my garage and has been it's entire life. It's got classic look, it's very comfortable, and get compliments all the time on it. Because of that I've enjoyed riding it lot so it has little wear acquired from riding it often. There is scratch and few other blemishes. They don't show up in the pictures but will point them all out. Because of that put the price little lower than the rest to compensate.
With that being said if you are local you can setup time to come by and look at it after work during the week or anytime on the weekend. The typical stuff applies...certified check or cash in exchange for the title. You can also test drive it if you know how to ride and have license can hold. If you are buying from distance will sent extra pictures of all the details and work out the shipping with you.
New items > Front & rear tires > Back brake > Oil changed
Items that come with it >Saddle bags, they are detachable and can be removed. >Vance & Hines pipes >Quiet alternative baffles >Control module for adjusting the idle if you change the pipes >Paul jr motorcycle cover
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