This bike was purchased by me in XXXX with XX miles on it, from young lady who felt it was too much for her to handle safely. I've owned and restored number of nice cruisers and this is, by far, the most comfortable and easy to ride. I've had no time to ride this beautiful bike and, therefore, have put less than XX additional miles on it. The oil was changed last year and was new appearing. replaced the battery last year and, after recharging, it started instantly this year. The pictures included with this listing were taken X/X/XXXX.
It has the factory installed security system without the siren. It comes with two hands free fobs in which just placed new batteries. Will also include the original owners manual, the factory supplied Harley battery tender and an optional"Screamin Eagle" ignition module with installation disc. and X, XXXth year anniversary stickers.
There's not too much else to say about this bike. Counting the accessories, it's about half the price of new FLSTN . It's not new but any imperfections are minimal and, if you could live with XX cubic inches instead of XXX, you should have no disappointments and just as much fun. really would rather not sell it but I've got couple of restoration projects going including XXXX E-Type Jaguar and I'm still working so I'm afraid this bike would continue to be unused.
I don't see any concerns with this bike but you are welcome to come and examine it in Chicago, Illinois, before bidding. Because it is not new it is being sold AS-IS. It could be either be picked up or will work with the shipper of your choice.
The photos should give you pretty good idea as to how nice this bike is but don't hesitate to ask any questions.
Thanks for your interest.
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