entered this bike in the used category, however, it only has XXX miles on it so it is like brand new. bought this at an estate sale and was not able to gather any history on the bike. was told that it was granted to the estate owner from the "meet the dream foundation" because she was dying of breast cancer. don't know if this is true, but, it sounds logical. It looks as though it came from the factory like this because cannot find even one sign of re-paint. With only XXX miles, it runs and looks like brand new. These sold for $XXXX.XX new, my reserve is much much less! Since it is new, just google exXXXr if you want the specs on the bike. There are no scratches or dings on the bike. If you are guy looking for good deal, if you decide to change the color, the decals are all under the clear-coat and the paint looks factory baked so it may not be so easy. Keep in mind that this is XXXcc sport bike and not toy. It goes well over XXXmph and it gets there pretty fast. I have clear and clean title, already notarized out of my name and ready for yours. also provide bill of sale if your state requires one.
You can call me with any questions: Bernie XXX XXX XXXX travel the tri-state area around here often so ask me about delivery. go to Ashland Kentuky, Cleveland, Ohio, Youngstown, Shady Springs,WV. Maybe can save you some driving?
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