My pride and joy..XXXX gsxr kX XXXBefore we go any further this bike is registered as cat d..I bought the bike off the guy that dropped it.He kept it as track bike but never got round to actually using it.So took it back to frame an built it back up again. (It was only fairing & tank damage)The bike has XX,XXX miles and has mot until may XXXXIt has had complete new fairing fitted (not Suzuki, but very good replica)It has grp exhaust which sounds amazingR&g engine/case covers,bar ends,areo style crash Bing's,tail tidy, bungs and bobbins.The tank has been resprayed white and looks fantastic!It has also white (very rare) genuine pazzo race levers and white goodridge lines. Since I've owned it (XX/XX/XX) I've only down approx XXX miles and most of that was at the iomtt in XXXX. just litterally don't have the time any more to ride it! I know this bike is not worth top money but once you see it you will agree it really is beaut!There is few age related marks (nothing at all to worry about though)I'm open to very near offers but am looking around the ??XXXX mark. *private plate is not for sale with the bike.Please ring me with any questionXXXXXXXXXXXThanks for looking (Deposit required through Paypal)Renaming balance paid in cash
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