All service up to date. Tires good.This is beautiful bike. It handles really well and travels comfortably at freeway speeds. am selling it (and another bike love) in order to pay for an absurdly expensive new motorcycle; I'd like to keep them all but cannot afford it and do not have the room. will ride it periodically so mileage will creep up bit. can deliver the bike in the San Francisco Bay Area for an extra $XXX.Upgrades:?� Mupo Fork internals from Guzzi Tech?� ICON rear shocks?� Rear fender removal kit from GuzziTech?� Textured aluminum Footpegs (originals areslippery)?� Deeper sump?� Side panels from VX Racer painted to match tank?� Rizoma rear brake fluid reservoir?� Hepco & Becker cases and mounting frame. Ifyou don??�t know this company, these are by far the best luggage cases I??�ve ever used. took them offbecause use another bike for long trips.?� Rattail connection for charging.
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