took this bike in on trade Saturday from the original owner for an old hot rod had. It is really nice well taken care of bike that is in excellent condition. took it for XX mile ride today and decided would rather have another convertible so am selling it. It is XXXX Electra Glide Classic with XXXXX miles on it. It is loaded up with all the goodies these bikes come with. The previous owner just put new tires on the bike and it is ready to go!
I am cheap on the bike but will consider partial trades for another classic car with back seat that has to be running and driving. The one just sold was project and only seat coupe so my grandsons could not all go with me at once. am OK if the car needs some cosmetic work it just has to be mechanically sound.
If your interested in the bike give me call to come see it. No disrespect intended to any potential buyers but won't let anyone test drive it as don't know your riding skills and am not taking chance on it getting damaged.
Awesome bike, bring cash and let's make it yours!
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