XXXX Honda?� Gold Wing?� Valkyrie?�Legendary Power, Groundbreaking StyleHere??�s the formula: Take Honda?�??�s legendary XXXXcc flat six and build it into the ultimate cruiser-powerful, awe-inspiring and like no other. Now add in great handling and iconic style, and you??�ll see why it??�s the cruiser that only Honda?� could build.InnovationsLED LightingThe LED headlight, taillight and turn signals give the Valkyrie?� modern, super-clean look and provide fantastic illumination as well. Style and function-that??�s what the Valkyrie?� is all about.Unique Cruiser StyleThe Valkyrie?� outperforms all other cruisers and it looks the part. The six-cylinder engine itself is major styling point, and the frame tank and bodywork flow from front to back. Polished-metal highlights and low, aggressive stance complete the standout styling.XX-Spoke Cast-Aluminum WheelsStrong, lightweight (thanks to the hollow-spoke design) and super stylish, the Valkyrie?�??�s wheels make big statement and are an integral part of this bike??�s great handling.XXXXcc EngineThere??�s no denying it-the Valkyrie?� is all about its engine. Fog Lights just installed.
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