have available XXXX Honda XXX four. This bike is in great shape, having been restored from the ground up. The person who restored this vehicle spared no expense, sourcing parts from all over the world to keep the bike true. The bike can be shipped all around Australia. am looking for $XXXX for this excellent example. If get that price am will to substitute freight up to $XXX. The bike has just had the carbs done with new leads plugs and caps. also have sourced an original tool kit with repro vinyl cover. The bikes tool box with the cover is also there. The unmistakable sound of the Honda Four is there in all its glory. bought this bike because it is an example of my first road bike, but my situation has changed and would like to sell the bike now. You can call me on .I have also sourced an original crash bar for this bike that needs re-chroming.
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