Here havemy cbrXXX Fireblade, Had many good track day. This bike has very strongengine and goes well. It is fitted with K&N air filter nice stubbysounding exhaust, steering damper and crash bobbins. This bike has been welllooked after, As no longer can do track days am putting it up for sale.This bike comes with the VX and all numbers correspond with the log book. considerthis to be quite fast for XXX, mind you its probably not the originalsprockets they have been changed to suite tracks. The bike will be availablefor collection after the XXth May, Can deliver free of charge withina fifteen mile radios but if you want it delivered further it is negotiable. Winner to put ??XXX depositin my pay pal account within XXhrs of end of auction. Don't worry if can't deliver the bike Pay Pal will give you your money back. Any questions pleasedon??�t hesitate to ask. XXXXXXXXXXX
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