Honda CRFXXXL XXXX. XXXXKlm all road. The bike was used as my work commuter bike in Victoria. Its never been off road. We moved to Cairns X months ago, and now can see Im not going to use it.It has $XXX two brothers exhaust, its lot lighter and makes more noise, which needed to get Kangaroos to hear me earlier and therefore move.Oxford Hot grips, they are awesome when its cold might suit you in the tablelands.Large rack which used to carry my small case. High beam turns on the LED XXwatt spotlights, they helped see the Kangaroos.At XX years old, I didn't ride this hard at all. put the finger short levers on, because prefer to maintain X finger grip whilst using clutch and brake.I've also changed the oil times so far and new filters etc. Used fully synthetic oil, probably overkill know.Its also had Honda service, at XXXXklm.Lithium Iron battery, installed few months ago, they whilst more expensive are much lighter/smaller for the same capacity and retain the charge for much longer. All up I've spent over $XXXX on this bike. She is great, and would like to see it go to someone thats going to use it.Pickup only or will help ship it, if required. Redlynch Valley Carins. No reserve.Welcome to test ride etc. Victorian rego for another months, however the transfer etc is all up to you, so will cancel rego on purchase.
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