Here is crfXXXr XXXX dirt bike. The bike has never been raced and has always been greatly cared for. It has always been solid, and has always started easily. have never had any problems with the bike and it has always proved more reliable then any other XXX have ridden with. It will only need new rear tire, but it does come with tire that has about XX% XX% tread. The bike has been serviced regularly and has had the oil and air filter changed after roughly every rides. The dirt bike has general wear and tear from bush riding but no major damage. It has had full top end rebuild as well as new stator put in the bike by freestyle honda last year.With the bike comes:Rec RegFront Head lightSpare tire Bark BustersPro Taper Fat BarsRenthal gripsSpare front number plateBrand new front fenderSpare used front brake disc coverShim kitManualSpare crfXXXx mufflerCustom blue radiator tubesCustom engine plugsInstalled o-ring chainNew back sprocketinspections welcome, paypal, and cod accepted
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