The original owner (from new) had this bike as shopper/run around until XXXX when he put it in his garage due to work abroad. At the time the bike had only XXXX miles on the clock. When he returned in XXXX he decided to clear his garage of this and another bike. went for the other bike but he would not sell it without me buying this one. bought it intending to sell it at the time but my daughters partner decided he wanted to learn to ride and so it was passed to him.He added only XXXX miles going back and forth to work before passing his test and returning it to me. I got it back in October XX, and put new tyres/brakes and battery on it before Mot-ing it in November intending to sell it on. However it stood in my car port waiting for me to advertise it. At long last have gotten around to it. Pictures cannot do justice to the bike, the body work is immaculate and without the plates you would guess at year or two at the most.There is little bit of touching up to do on the wheels and the exhaust but both parts are very good and solid (simply been stood for too long). She starts straight away on the button but there is also kickstart if it doesn't but has never been needed. This is genuine bike with genuine mileage and have the original bill of sale in the previous owners name. It would make good little runabout or first bike for anyone XXyrs or above. This is private sale and no guarantee or warranty is implied in any way. I have put minimum acceptable price on it but believe it is worth more than that hence putting it in as auction.It is cash on collection only and any test riders would have to leave full asking price deposit.
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