I'm the second owner of this bike. The first owner was mature farmer that used it sparingly on his property. It spent the past XX years sitting in garage. It's done genuine XXXXkm. purchased this with the intention of using it on Rec reg which never got around to doing. It's obviously undergone some cosmetic changes. new seat, plastics removed, air filter replaced with pod filter and seat hoop shortened slightly. have all the original parts that were on the bike when purchased it (Loom, speedo, switches etc...). I'm selling it as is because I'm moving interstate and don't have the time nor the space for this bike. The front tyre will need replacing as it's too old to ride on. You can probably see in the photos the chain is not on the bike. The chain is in good condition and ready to be put back on. I've bolted the bike back together to sell but it will need the cables adjusted and going over to make sure it's all tight. I haven't had it running recently as drained the fuel from the tank. The last time started it it ran perfectly and sounds strong. haven't touched it mechanically, just cosmetically. Photos form part of the description. Cash on pick up in inner East Melbourne. Feel free to ask any questions.
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