This bike has been in my Garage for years, did intend to restore it and get it back to its XX's glory but its just never happened!Had her running summer last year but not since, petrol tank doesn't leak and engine was quiet last time it ran.When you buy this bike, you are buying what would call non runner by all accounts but you will also get doner bike with it so please bear in mind for collection, the donor has working engine also.I say VXX is in place but need to apply for new one and have authentication certificate from DVLA I have the standard pipe with it also but its not in the best condition. Once again this bike is restoration project not road worthy vehicle & sold with no warranty Happy to answer questions and forward photo's of donor bike On XX-Feb-XX at XX:XX:XX GMT, seller added the following information:After many requests have added some more pictures, as you can see the donor bike is exactly that, but has airbox, water header tank and all was good when it last ran, can push the kick start and the donor engine moves freely. The wheels are in decent condition, and there are plenty of bits to salvage off it. Thanks for looking
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